Let me digress........
DH has been working at a house for the last...oh 6 weeks maybe? About 4 weeks ago a black lab showed up. The guy living on the property looked for its owner during that time. DH fell in love with her of course. Its been his dream dog for several years now. So, on Friday after noon, "Girl" came home to live with us. While in the back yard, she managed to chase off two of my cats and nearly stopped when I called her off, and did the second time when DH called her off. It was then I told him I felt I traded in my 3 cats and 4 chickens (yet to move into our yard) for his one dog. He brushed it off as me whining.
Back to the story........
Yesterday was a beautiful day and I decided that it was time for my chickens to come home. So I dragged some posts from the back and fencing and brought home a post pounder from my parents. We went over and got the coop my neighbor said we could have and plopped that down where we decided it was a good chicken home. Pounded in some posts, and I left DH to put up the fence while I went to work for a meeting. Came home to Kainen bringing a chicken to the back yard. (yes, the dog was tied up thank goodness). So it took close to 45 mintues for Kainen and I to get all 4 chickens caught and brought over to their new home. DH declared it a job well done, and went off fishing with his new dog. While they were gone, I shut the chickens in their coop for the day to help them acclimate to the area. DH came home a couple hours later to take us all to the lake for sunset. During the short 10 minutes he was home, I lost a rooster to his 'Girl'. I was ticked off to put it mildly. Somehow she made it through the fence (which was still closed) and got in the coop. Argh. So now Girl gets to stay tied up when she is in the back yard until we can spend more time dog proofing my chicken yard.
And the bummer of it all?? It was the wrong stinking rooster!!!!! Uhg.
Anywho, it shut the other rooster up, which was nice, and I still got an egg from the one thats the layer. I haven't found her eggs for over a week now at the other chicken yard. She tried to go broody on me and I wouldn't let her cause its still too cold for chicks. But hopefully around the end of the month she'll go broody again and I'll let her hatch them.
Anywho.....here's a pick of the chickens prior to their move to my backyard.

Oh no! I hope things start going better with "Girl". Umm, is a new name in the works? What about Shelby? How is she taking to a new girl in her yard?
I am so sad to hear your neighbor has gone away. I loved her yard, and she always seemed great with the boys. Is she close enough that you can visit her?
Girl seems to be the name that is sticking. She was called that for the month she was at the job site while they looked for her owners. So Girl it is. LOL Shelby thinks she's bigger than Girl and promptly let her know it with the barking, growling, and general pissyness. ROFL She's as long as Girls tail. Its hillarious. But better now. And if I call Shelby for some love, Girl comes in a fit of jealousy. :roll eyes:
Yeah, I am going to miss her too!!!! She was over there today, with a crew of about 5 family members and they cleaned up her yard, getting rid of the fall/winter debris. I told them they could come to my place next and I wouldn't touch a thing or get in their way. Scouts Honor. ;) She's moved about 1.25 hours away. So close enough to visit...but not too often.
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