Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I didn't want the stupid chickens anyway.

And the d$#m dog is taking care of that chicken by chicken. This time it was my egg layer. Its war. The dog will not come in the house and will remain on a leash while on my property for no less than one week.

In nursing was OR day today for my rotation. It started off with a c-section, a lap chole that ended up being cancelled when the surgeon realized that her chirrosis of the liver distorted the anatomy and the gall bladder was in the wrong spot, another surgery of a more sensitive nature that I will spare you the details on, and then another c-section. This baby was breech and man those toes were tickling his ears when he first came out. And they did a tubal ligation on her as well. I guess I never really thought about it, but fallopian tubes are really really small!

Tomorrow is short stay and I told the surgeon I wanted a redo on the lap chole. So I get to watch that! The rest of the day will be admitting patients for procedures and discharging. Well, at least watching the nurse. Hey, maybe I can do a cath?? LOL We'll see .

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I'm sorry to hear things are not going harmoniously with the dog. Poor chickens.

The OR sounds like a neat experience!

You know... I've assisted with somany ofmy grandmas caths now that I almost get ideas in my head of, "That doesn't look too hard.. I bet I could do it" ROFL