Sunday, March 30, 2008

What the sam he(( is that????

My little pixie is all white.......for a reason. Uhg. She coulda warned me there would be snow all over the place today. I just got my pond all cleaned out and pretty (minus plants of course). Had to sink my heater back in there today and everything.

Speaking of my pond, all 4 big fishies are still alive and kicking. And there are 2 babies. I thought I started the winter off with 3......but we did put that crawdad in there.....and can't find him, nor a skeleton. LOL But the ponds all clear, water lily is already starting to grow. Now just have to figure out a frugal way to get some cool pond plants. LOL

1 comment:

Crystal said...

One of grandmas caregivers has a pond at her house with aparently quite happy lilly's. She said she takes the new ones out and sticks them in 5 gallon buckets for them to mature a bit more. Too bad I don't have a pond.