Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Another quarter in the books!

Today was my nursing class finals day. Sweet! I passed my final, passed my class, all that good jazz. Woot!

Now I have to catch a carpool to Wenatchee at 7:15 in the morning. Oye. Its gonna be a long day. But now just about 18 weeks stands between me and an LPN behind my name (if I pass my test of course.....)

Still holding steady at two chickens. Realized it wasn't my egg layer that got the train ride outta here. So my other one is a good broody hen, just gotta get something in there to get her broody, cause by golly its chick season and I want some! Either she's gonna hatch me some eggs, or I'll get her foster babies. We went and looked at them at the store today and they are soooo stinkin cute. They even have the ones that lay green eggs. I really want those. And then a mix of little banty's. They had lots of ducks too. I bet I could fool her into being mama chicken AND mama duck.....

Can't get the darned eggs to stay in the coop though. ThankyouverymuchIden.


Crystal said...

Good job on passing your finals mama!

Have fun in Wenatche. When is your spring break? Just my luck college spring break was this week and public school spring break is the first week of April.

Tiarnna said...

Spring break will start as soon as we are done with orientation tomorrow! Yeah!! The boys don't have spring break for another two weeks either. stinks. LOL