Monday, January 07, 2008

That wasn't so bad

So guess who had a snow day today?? Yeah, not me, but K and J did. lucky ducks. I think we've had more snow this winter than the last two combined, and its still the first week of the year!

But I was at class, bright and early for my calculations test. We have to take one each quarter to keep up on our math. I was glad I looked at everything yesterday, cause I wouldn't have passed if I didn't. Its funny how fast you loose stuff like that if you aren't using it....but like riding a bike, it came right back with a few practice problems.

Then it was lecture from 9-4 with an hour for lunch...and I get to do it again Friday. Minus the calc test, but adding in another class at 8. oye. But no labs or clinicals this week. I do have speech 101 Tues and Thurs nights. That will be fun on clinical weeks, when I have that from 6:30-3 on thursdays as well. Ah well, its a short quarter right?


Crystal said...

There's been lots of missed days of school around here too. Snow, flood, wind...wheeee!

Hope you aced your calcs test!

And I'm so happy you are documenting this! It's so neat to read along and dream about it being my turn! All about me right??? ;)

Tiarnna said...

Yep, passed the test! Weee!!! They are really good about posting grades within hours of taking the test. Its niiiice. LOL

Hey, you will get to document this all too soon enough right?? RIGHT???

Crystal said...

How was week 2? Thanks for sharing the snow this year!

Tiarnna said...

Only half done!!! I'm bushed!!!!

LOL you can HAVE the snow. It hasn't come down for a few days. but the stuff we got ain't budgin. Its mostly ice now. About 5 inches of it.