Tuesday, January 01, 2008

kay...that stinks....

Why does blogger have to jack my pictures up like that??????



Crystal said...

For the pics... you need to figure out how wide your typing space is... I think it's about 400 on mine and make sure your pics aren't any wider than that. Or if you are feeling particularly ambitious you can widen your typing area.

Tiarnna said...

k, I wanna be ambitious....have tried a couple times to widen it, but then the stuff on the right goes to the bottom of the page. uhg. Why can't these things just be practical?

Crystal said...

Interested in changing your template? There are detailed instructions on how to do it... and how to widen it and keep everything where you want it.

http://tips-for-new-bloggers.blogspot.com/2007/02/three-columns-blogger-template.html Good luck! A search for free blog templates will also find you lots of pretty backgrounds, if you are so inclined.

Tiarnna said...

k, fixed it. Not so pretty. but fixed.

I've looked at other template sites...but my gosh, the advertising on there is nasty. Will have to peruse those late at night when there are no young eyes to bug out. LOL

Crystal said...

What template sites are you going to? I don't think I've seen any nasty advertising... maybe I'm just so focused that I'm missing it. lol

Tiarnna said...

the one that was most recent was at pyzam . If there are safer ones to look at, I'd love a link. :)