Ah....I need my sunglasses. This is the life. The sun is shining, and its up to 19 degrees!!!
I've been busily preparing a speech for speech class tomorrow night. Decided to do it on the local part of the Miss America program, considering Miss Washington, Elyse Umemoto received 2nd runner up at Miss America on Saturday night. She's one awesome chicklet and great to be around.
We worked on setting up IV pumps in lab today, and then get checked off on that tomorrow. I hear this makes the nurses at clinicals happy, because there are lots of IV's to set up and they happily pass the buck on to us. I feel like I will be more official getting to push buttons, silence alarms, ect. ect. Silly I know. ;)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Its been snowing for over 24 hours now and I am about to loose it. TURN THAT OFF!!!!!!
I told DH that I am pretty certain they need nurses in Jamaica or Baha California.
I told DH that I am pretty certain they need nurses in Jamaica or Baha California.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Could I have some cheese
with my whiiiiiiine.
Hey, at least now the weather channel says it feels like -1. Thats up 15 degrees from 2 hours ago. Blah. I told DH I can't feel my feet anymore.
Hey, at least I don't have to do laundry right? Pipes are frozen in the garage.
Oh! I have an idea, lets go ice fishing. Ha.
Hey, at least now the weather channel says it feels like -1. Thats up 15 degrees from 2 hours ago. Blah. I told DH I can't feel my feet anymore.
Hey, at least I don't have to do laundry right? Pipes are frozen in the garage.
Oh! I have an idea, lets go ice fishing. Ha.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Have I mentioned lately that its freaking cold? I couldn't even get the gas pump to work without just dribbling it in there before it would do its stupid auto shut off thing, while I am standing there, nearly frozen to the stupid pump. I can' t stand it. Its a balmy 18 degrees out there now. Frick. At least the sun is shining. Score one for the good guys.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
That was a looong week.
These weeks with clinicals in them are going to be buggers. I'm pooooped to say the least.
so the pit mom delivered at 10:05 pm that night. 7 lbs 12 oz boy. Ahh....he was a sleepy fella too. Wouldn't nurse till much later the next day.
The section mom didn't nurse after we left. From the limited sign language and slow speaking (Spanish speaking) I gathered from the husband she was upset the baby wasn't getting anything because there wasn't much there. So of course you know this breastfeeding nazi gathered up some spanish pamphlets, the interpreter and marched myself in there. They took the info and next time I went in she was reading the info. There was no new bottle in there, so I was biding my time. A bit later, I had to do vitals on mom and baby, and asked/demonstrated if mom wanted to give it a go. Baby latched RIGHT on and both were content. Score one for the good guys!!! Even if she doesn't go for long, she will still be passing on some amazing gifts to her little girl each time she does nurse her. HOpefully they will continue for a while.
All in all, I was uber impressed with my 2 short days in OB. There were no other deliveries while we were there, so hopefully there will be more chances to witness a vag birth. And who knows, I still have my OR rotation, so perhaps then I will get to see another section.
I have a TON of papers to finish up. OB has the most stuff to do. Plus a test on Tuesday, lab on Tuesday, and videos to watch before that time. Oye. But heck, at least I will have a short break on Wed. and Thursday. Perhaps I can sleep? LOL
so the pit mom delivered at 10:05 pm that night. 7 lbs 12 oz boy. Ahh....he was a sleepy fella too. Wouldn't nurse till much later the next day.
The section mom didn't nurse after we left. From the limited sign language and slow speaking (Spanish speaking) I gathered from the husband she was upset the baby wasn't getting anything because there wasn't much there. So of course you know this breastfeeding nazi gathered up some spanish pamphlets, the interpreter and marched myself in there. They took the info and next time I went in she was reading the info. There was no new bottle in there, so I was biding my time. A bit later, I had to do vitals on mom and baby, and asked/demonstrated if mom wanted to give it a go. Baby latched RIGHT on and both were content. Score one for the good guys!!! Even if she doesn't go for long, she will still be passing on some amazing gifts to her little girl each time she does nurse her. HOpefully they will continue for a while.
All in all, I was uber impressed with my 2 short days in OB. There were no other deliveries while we were there, so hopefully there will be more chances to witness a vag birth. And who knows, I still have my OR rotation, so perhaps then I will get to see another section.
I have a TON of papers to finish up. OB has the most stuff to do. Plus a test on Tuesday, lab on Tuesday, and videos to watch before that time. Oye. But heck, at least I will have a short break on Wed. and Thursday. Perhaps I can sleep? LOL
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
C-Section time!
Yeah, so thats what I got to watch first thing this morning!!! I really wasn't expecting that at all at 6:35 this morning. But at 8 am, a 9 lb 4 ounce baby girls head popped out of a womans stomach right before my eyes!!!
I never thought my first time witnessing a birth other than my own would be a c-section, but heck, I'll take it.
That and the fact I aced my test yesterday makes for a good week so far. ;)
Other women the nurse I was following had.... a 12 week gestation mom with some bleeding. Sent home on bedrest with a shrug from the OB. A 38 weeker being induced with #4, cause she 'can't have big babies'...mind you the biggest is 7 lbs 8 ounces. She started on pit at about 9 am...and was at about 1 cm when the OB checked her at 1:30 and maxed out on pit. Hopefully she will have delivered by the time I get there tomorrow at 6:30. I just really...don't get it. Ah well. Not my body, not my birth. Right? shut yer trap Tiarnna....
I never thought my first time witnessing a birth other than my own would be a c-section, but heck, I'll take it.
That and the fact I aced my test yesterday makes for a good week so far. ;)
Other women the nurse I was following had.... a 12 week gestation mom with some bleeding. Sent home on bedrest with a shrug from the OB. A 38 weeker being induced with #4, cause she 'can't have big babies'...mind you the biggest is 7 lbs 8 ounces. She started on pit at about 9 am...and was at about 1 cm when the OB checked her at 1:30 and maxed out on pit. Hopefully she will have delivered by the time I get there tomorrow at 6:30. I just really...don't get it. Ah well. Not my body, not my birth. Right? shut yer trap Tiarnna....
Monday, January 07, 2008
That wasn't so bad
So guess who had a snow day today?? Yeah, not me, but K and J did. lucky ducks. I think we've had more snow this winter than the last two combined, and its still the first week of the year!
But I was at class, bright and early for my calculations test. We have to take one each quarter to keep up on our math. I was glad I looked at everything yesterday, cause I wouldn't have passed if I didn't. Its funny how fast you loose stuff like that if you aren't using it....but like riding a bike, it came right back with a few practice problems.
Then it was lecture from 9-4 with an hour for lunch...and I get to do it again Friday. Minus the calc test, but adding in another class at 8. oye. But no labs or clinicals this week. I do have speech 101 Tues and Thurs nights. That will be fun on clinical weeks, when I have that from 6:30-3 on thursdays as well. Ah well, its a short quarter right?
But I was at class, bright and early for my calculations test. We have to take one each quarter to keep up on our math. I was glad I looked at everything yesterday, cause I wouldn't have passed if I didn't. Its funny how fast you loose stuff like that if you aren't using it....but like riding a bike, it came right back with a few practice problems.
Then it was lecture from 9-4 with an hour for lunch...and I get to do it again Friday. Minus the calc test, but adding in another class at 8. oye. But no labs or clinicals this week. I do have speech 101 Tues and Thurs nights. That will be fun on clinical weeks, when I have that from 6:30-3 on thursdays as well. Ah well, its a short quarter right?
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Back to school!
School starts back up tomorrow for both me and the boys. There has been kicking, screaming, wailing and gnashing of teeth because of it. But the boys seem to be handling it just fine!
I just hate homework. I don't mind going to school....its just the part of having to do school stuff outside of class that gets to me. Blah.
I filled in my planner today with my schedule and I can hardly keep up with it. I have a nightclass (Speech 101) added in so I can for sure sit for my LPN licence at the end of summer quarter. Weird to think, that in 8 months I will be a nurse! Weee!!! (that is, if I pass.....but I will. RIGHT???)
My clinical group is in Othello, about a 35-40 minute drive from my house. Of course before dawn breaks. And its 2 days a week....everyother week. Then lab usually on Tuesdays, but some mondays this month because its a short quarter, and then class on Friday. I will usually have Mondays off...but not this month, again, because its a short quarter. :insert rolly eye guy here:. Me thinks they are just shoving too much crapola in there. Blah.
Anywho, this will certainly cut into my sewing time, as work will hopefully be starting up by the end of the month as well. I could really go for a nice cherry blossom roll right now.....yum. I will take a picture of it the next time I am blessed enough to eat it. Its covered in raw tuna....all red, hense being called a cherry blossom. Oh goodness...tummy growling. Heck, I'd even settle for a california roll at this point.
I just hate homework. I don't mind going to school....its just the part of having to do school stuff outside of class that gets to me. Blah.
I filled in my planner today with my schedule and I can hardly keep up with it. I have a nightclass (Speech 101) added in so I can for sure sit for my LPN licence at the end of summer quarter. Weird to think, that in 8 months I will be a nurse! Weee!!! (that is, if I pass.....but I will. RIGHT???)
My clinical group is in Othello, about a 35-40 minute drive from my house. Of course before dawn breaks. And its 2 days a week....everyother week. Then lab usually on Tuesdays, but some mondays this month because its a short quarter, and then class on Friday. I will usually have Mondays off...but not this month, again, because its a short quarter. :insert rolly eye guy here:. Me thinks they are just shoving too much crapola in there. Blah.
Anywho, this will certainly cut into my sewing time, as work will hopefully be starting up by the end of the month as well. I could really go for a nice cherry blossom roll right now.....yum. I will take a picture of it the next time I am blessed enough to eat it. Its covered in raw tuna....all red, hense being called a cherry blossom. Oh goodness...tummy growling. Heck, I'd even settle for a california roll at this point.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Sewing Projects....sweet!
A friend of mine blogs on her craftiness. Princess Nimble-Thimble....she has a sew and show for her tutorials, and a contest drawing for those who post pics finished items.

That crochet dishcloth was an entry from last night, and then two more tonight !!!
An A-line skirt. I had to do several modifications, and consequently stuck it on a shelf for a few months. But in hopes of a prize, finished it tonight. I hate hemming.

Iden wanted in on it....and you can see it is an even hem on it. LOL

And then she makes TONS of these little bendy dolls. You'll have to go to her store to see what they are supposed to look like. http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=71968
I don't have any heads for this one......LOL

I put the I on it to give to Iden. Jantzen has declared them guys, not dolls, and Kainen has requested one. They are so stinking finicky and knitpicky though....I may not have the patience for more. LOL But I think iit has lots of character.......ROFL
And then.......something I have been wanting to make for years. I've had this fabric stashed away with this project in mind for oh.....nearly 4 years now? LOL I was on a roll with stuff, so kept on going. Oh, and my budding artist 3 year old took these. ROFL Nearly saying cheese. He wasn't quite sure which role he was playing, photographer or subject. LOL It was too cute.

(this is the better color showing)
Did I mention I hate hemming? Took nearly an hour for this sucker.
I have another pair nearly done.....just lost my mojo with my NYE celabratory drink. :lol:
I also did a marathon of PJ making for Christmas.....
3 for my boys, 3 nephews and 3 neices.

And then one of those nephews was born a few days before Christmas, so he got some goodies at his baby shower.
This is a swaddle sock. Just stick the kid in and viola. No more trying to fold your kiddo in there. Thank you Crystal for the idea!!!
And a little sweat suit for him....next year. Its big. LOL

And then I took him this ball at the hospital after he was born, in case he wanted to play ya know. ;)

That crochet dishcloth was an entry from last night, and then two more tonight !!!
An A-line skirt. I had to do several modifications, and consequently stuck it on a shelf for a few months. But in hopes of a prize, finished it tonight. I hate hemming.

Iden wanted in on it....and you can see it is an even hem on it. LOL

And then she makes TONS of these little bendy dolls. You'll have to go to her store to see what they are supposed to look like. http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=71968
I don't have any heads for this one......LOL

I put the I on it to give to Iden. Jantzen has declared them guys, not dolls, and Kainen has requested one. They are so stinking finicky and knitpicky though....I may not have the patience for more. LOL But I think iit has lots of character.......ROFL
And then.......something I have been wanting to make for years. I've had this fabric stashed away with this project in mind for oh.....nearly 4 years now? LOL I was on a roll with stuff, so kept on going. Oh, and my budding artist 3 year old took these. ROFL Nearly saying cheese. He wasn't quite sure which role he was playing, photographer or subject. LOL It was too cute.

Did I mention I hate hemming? Took nearly an hour for this sucker.
I have another pair nearly done.....just lost my mojo with my NYE celabratory drink. :lol:
I also did a marathon of PJ making for Christmas.....
3 for my boys, 3 nephews and 3 neices.

And then one of those nephews was born a few days before Christmas, so he got some goodies at his baby shower.

And a little sweat suit for him....next year. Its big. LOL

And then I took him this ball at the hospital after he was born, in case he wanted to play ya know. ;)

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