It all started in the days leading up to Jantzen's (son #2) birthday. My sister-in-law said "guess what I'm getting Jantzen for his birthday?" I replied........"what??" "A hermit crab and he's big!" as she held up her fist to demonstrate this crabs size. I was less than amused. "Oh great," I replied. She told Jantzen she was going to be his favorite aunt.

She works at the pet store, so she was able to get a 5 gallon tank with calcisand, some feeding shells, a big shell to change into, some jingly toys and a fake tree.

The look on Jantzens face when he saw this crab was priceless. It was a combination of total unabashed fear and excitement.
So in the days after receiving "Krabby Patty" as Jantzen had decided to call him, I figured I better find out more about these creatures so that he wouldn't have to experience his first pets death at a young age. I learned a lot. Most important that Krabby Patty needed a friend. So Kainen got to got to the pet store and he picked out Mr. Krabs.

We got some other goodies....a hermie hut, eco earth and a bigger water dish. Also temperature and humidity guages. These crabs are starting to affect my pocket book.
Krabby Patty really perked up Mr. Krabs and life was grand in the crabitat!!
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