Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Krabby Patty peeked out of the hermie hut for a few minutes this morning, then scrambled in and now is buried. As far as I can tell, all three are all within centimeters of each other. Uhg. This is driving me nuts.

I was one finger click away from ordering $80 worth of crab stuff today.......including 8 crabs. But I stopped myself. The company has a HORRIBLE reputation online. One of my shell orders was from him , it came fine, a bit slower than I had expected, but it showed up. Combined with the fact that its not a good time of year to ship hermies. I think I did the right thing by just closing the browser window. If we go out of town in the next month or so, I'll hit up the big petstores and stock up. teehee. One of the things in my shopping cart was a ceramic bulb.....and a moonglow bulb. And some big shells. This place has the best price on all of them. But I guess nothing is good if you don't get your stuff. So will have to shop around online tomorrow.

My kosher wine and antidepressant are starting to mix...... ;)

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