My mom made some quilts for her great neices and nephews and took pics of the boys infront of them (all sporting their new hair cuts)
Its quite comical getting a good pic of three and these are some of the cutest.

They are loveable goof balls.
And then our trip to Silver Mountain and Silverwood.
This is in Ritzville, made nearly entirely of horseshoes and chains. Iden wanted nothing to do with the idea of it all, so he stayed in the truck.

Our first stop was Silver Mountain in Kellog ID. It has an indoor water park that comes with your hotel room. It was great fun, although Iden was limited by what he was allowed....strangley enough not until about 4 hours after we'd been there though. Odd and inconsistent. But who cares, he had fun in the mean time. Two tube slides and one raft slide, and a huge play area for the kids with lots of water coming out all over. A flow rider , which Kainen is so "been there done that" with ours in town. And a great lazy river that was fun and fast moving. (pardon the old tatoos and missing teeth on various children. I asked them not to put anymore on....)
If I decide to hang out with youtube, I'll post some videos later.
The next day we were off to SilverWood Theme park and rain. Lots of rain. Because I was borrowing my moms camera, and there was rain, I kept the camera in mostly. Lets just say I was in denim capris, and was wet from the very beginning. We got in the park just after 11:30, and had dinner in the truck in the parking lot about 8. I was wet the whole time. Ah well, kids had fun right?
The first part is on the train, it was covered. LOL We passed by buffalo, teepees, and a cute show. I'll spare ya most of it. LOL You can see how cold it was after the train ride. Again, Iden was not interested in the photo op. The last pics are on the way outta the park. Boys had a blast on the roller coasters, and I think I still may have whiplash. LOL
And lastly, first day of school. Again, the silliness of getting even one good picture of three boys is lost on us all, so I tried to get a few.....melt them together in your head to get an idea of how cute they can be. ;) Kainen is in 3rd, Jantzen in 1st,and Iden is doing preschool.
Man, you have some cutie boys T!Great pics!
Thanks Mandy!
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