Sunday, June 29, 2008

Busy Much?

Oye. Where to start?

I have 21 chickens. Yes, thats right. I am not entirely sure what happened. I just kept coming home with them. :innocent: I have many different breeds, and finding out, that I have more cockerels than I bought. Which means I will have to bite the bullet and stock my freezer with fresh chicken soon. Boohoo. But....such is the life of a chicken mama right? Here are pictures of some of them. There are seven more that came after this batch. LOL Lets see if this slideshow works.......

As for school...thats going along nicely as well. We finished off spring quarter, and sailed right into summer the next week. I had clinicals two weeks ago in Wenatchee at the hospital. My first day was in the OR. I got to see some pretty cool stuff. The first surgery was the neatest....a nephrectomy and prostatectomy. And several other urology surgeries......on men......I shall spare you the details and let your imagine take you there. LOL The next two days, I ended up getting to hand out with that first surgery patient.

Then this last week I spent 4 days at Eastern STate Hospital. One of only two mental health hospitals in the state. Oye. Did you know that when someone pleads guilty by insanity, this is the place they go? Yeah.....some definate freaky stuff that I saw there, and lets just say, you don't always know where and when mental health issues will hit. One minute one of the patients will be sweet and kind, then the next yelling that she hates students and to get away. And its amazing to talk to some of them and they some as normal as anyone else. Sad. And there is such limited funding as well. At one point, this hospital had well over 2000 its just over 300 and they are close to closing another ward because of money issues. Very sad. Ah well, I survived, and managed to not turn into a patient myself. The next 4 weeks will be here in town at the hospital for 3 days a week. I hear you really start to feel like a nurse after that. Which is good....considering that I can take a test and be one in about 6 weeks. Eek!

Tata for now......


Kristina said...

Cute chicks :)

Back when I was a psych major in college I did a volunteer stint at Eastern State Mental Hospital for 4 days. Quite eye - opening, isn't it? The things that stuck with me: 1) food at mental hospitals is uneatable (and I can eat almost anything); 2) didn't like how they rewarded everyone with cigarettes - thought this was a hospital and they were concerned with health; and 3) just like you said, they can go from totally normal to sprawled out on the floor being basically hog-tied and thrown back in their room. I remember playing a game of volleyball with a bunch of drugged out people on Lithium - I rocked that game LOL. And remember how sweet the guys in the sexual psychopath ward were. One wanted my name and number when he got out. No thank you LOL.

Crystal said...

Wow, 21 chickens now! Is girl dealing with them better now? How about the garden? Growing well?

I can't believe how fast your nursing school is going by!