Tuesday, July 29, 2008

One more year done!!

Today was my last day of summer quarter, and thus, the last day of my first year of nursing school!!!

We took a predictor test to tell us the likelyhood of passing our PN boards and I got a 99% chance of passing! So unless something goes insanley askew in the next few weeks, I will be a nurse! Wee!!!!!!!!!!! I am so relieved to be done with the first year. Uhg. Now to hit the streets and find a job. Well, not the streets, but you know what I mean. ;)


Crystal said...

Congratulations! Good job mama! Now, don't forget to lift that pant leg on your scrubs and get a good paying job!! Ha ha... probably only funny to me.

laska said...


Tiarnna said...

Thanks !!!

ROFL Crys, I found it extremely funny. ;)

Unknown said...

When is the big test?

Tiarnna said...

Still no clue. Uhg.